I write about what I want, whenever I feel like it. Everything you read herein will, at the very least, be semi-well written, very original and, hopefully, insightful to some degree.

No major publication, ever.

“Interesting! Kurt has his own website! What is this all about?”

 “Dude! Kurt has a website! Sweet!”


Did I display your initial thought for you?

This is typically what someone will say to me after they happen to stumble upon this joint.

Anyways, what is this site? Why do I have this thing posted live for the world?

Welp, this is probably my 10th different variation of my own personal website. When I first started it (2011-ish), my intention was to “make money” with it. (Pretty clever idea, right?)

But, how?

I wasn’t sure but I’d read lots of books that just said, “get started! The ideas will follow!”

But… they didn’t. At least not for me.

I did NOT want to be an affiliate (cheeseball) marketer raving about stupid little products I pretended to care about in order to make 25 cents on a sale.

So, I switched over to writing letters for my kids. This was enjoyable and I still have most of those letters (and will give them to them when they are adults) but I got to thinking, “why am I posting these for the world if they are supposed to be from me to my kids?”

Seemed a bit silly so I took that site down.

Then I switched to a daily email writing service for small businesses.

I found that I enjoyed coming up with creative angles for writing daily emails that promote various small businesses so, I reconfigured the site to be able to sell that service.

However, I barely have time to write those types of emails for my OWN business so how in the world was I going to be able to do it for others?

So, that idea hit the trash can too.

But, for some reason, I still wanted this site. I like writing and like hitting publish. Even if it ain’t Hemingway-esque prose, I like the act of putting thoughts down in print. I believe we all are meant to do this but most are scared of looking dumb so nobody does it.

To be frank, I too am afraid of sounding dumb. But, I still like writing. And if I’m spending time to write, I think it ought to be in the public domain on the off chance somebody reads it and it resonates.

Why not keep a journal you ask? 

Well, bucko, because journaling seems like a MAJOR waste of time. If it’s in a notebook in my closet, why have written it at all? If I’ve spent the time to flesh out the thoughts and transfer them to paper (screen) why hide them away in a closet? How does that benefit me or anyone else? Someone ought to have the opportunity to read my garbaldegook.

So, this is where that happens. A mostly pointless endeavor aside from having a place to write what I think and hit the publish button.

Maybe my style of writing resonates and you get to know and like me through what you read here. Or, maybe you figure out I’m a total prick and someone you’d rather not associate with. Either way, at least we accomplished something.

Anyways, I write stuff whenever the thoughts hit. Sometimes that’s daily, if I’m on a real kick. Other times, I’ve got nothing for weeks.

If you’re interested in my ramblings I had a tech person set up a system whereby whenever I post something new you get an email notification about it. I want to set it up so that whatever I wrote simply gets emailed to you so that you can read it right then and there. But, it might just be a link to my site that you’ll have to click in order to read the post.

The sign up to receive those notifications should be somewhere right here-ish (forgive me, I don’t do the tech set up stuff).

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