Today, all 4 of my children napped at the exact same time. I can’t believe it.
I put them down at 1:30 and the first one got up at 3pm.
My kids are 10, 8, 6, and 4.
As you might imagine, the 10 and 8 year old do not nap anymore, ever. The 6 year old does maybe once every couple weeks. The 4 year old is no longer an everydayer herself.
So, the fact that I even attempted to orchestrate a quad nap today is rather perplexing. But, it worked.
And, damn, did that feel great.
Yesterday, my wife had to leave the house for several hours in order to replenish our supply of food and toiletries. That left me home with all 4 of em.
Today, she had to drive to the east side of Michigan for a visitation for her aunt who passed away unexpectedly this past week. Which, again, leaves me home with the 4 of em.
Does is it sound like I’m complaining?
I am.
I love my children to the moon and back. Annd, one on one, I could hang out with any of them all day long.
Individually, they all have the most unique things to say. And they’re all adorable in their own way.
And, because it’s one on one, I actually have the space to appreciate them.
Because there are no distractions.
But together? All 4 of em, trapped in a home (cuz it’s freezing ass cold outside) with just me?
The infighting, the asking for snacks (literally 2 minutes after I just cleaned up the lunch that nobody ate), the telling me how bored they are, the requests for video game time or ipad time, the bickering over which game to play…
Hell, the one thing that is supposed to serve as somewhat of a break (watch a movie) even turns into a WWE throw down brawl.
First, it’s who can get to the remote fastest. Once that dumpster fire of a fight is over then it’s the arguing over which movie they are going to watch.
Anyways, the moral of this story is that 4 kids 10 and under is WORK. Period.
Sometimes, I even try and work up the gumption to get everyone dressed (decently) and take them somewhere fun that will serve to both occupy them and burn some energy but, this is no small task when momma ain’t around.
Anyways, what was my point?
Maybe it’s this, if you only have 2 kids right now and you’re thinking about having 4, know that 3 is more work than 2 and 4 is more work than 3.
Anyone who tells you that anymore than 2 kids is all the same, is full of sheeeeeiiit. Every additional kid you have adds to the workload.
BUT, my 4th is the cutest, smartest, cheeriest, (meanest), coolest, most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. Had we opted to stop at 3 and left her trapped in non-existence it would have been such a shame.
Which sometimes makes me think, what would #5 have been like? Did we leave another super cool kid unborn?
Ah well. We’ll never know because some doctor and his scissors destroyed any chance of that ever happening.
I hope.
I never actually went back for the awkward event where I have to deposit myself into a plastic jar, put the jar in a brown paper bag, and then hand that paper bag to the receptionist and act like there’s not a steamy load in it.
Super weird, right?
I don’t know what the alternative is to that system but there’s gotta be something.
Like maybe they send someone out to pick the bag up off your front porch?
But, what if they’re early? Or you’re late? That could get awkward and full of pressure too.
Maybe we will end up with #5 after all.
Anyways, this one’s long enough.