Here’s a book summary for you.
It’s by a man named Dan Kennedy.

I’ve read around 12 of his books and I think you’d be wise to pick up a few for yourself.
One of them, which has a super cliche sounding title but is packed with fantastic advice is called “The Ultimate Success Secret”. The cover is super cliche, the title is super cliche, but I don’t know what else he could or should have titled it. And he probably couldn’t figure that out either which is why it is what it is.
Anyways, when I read books I like to condense each chapter down to the absolute meat so that when I want to reference back to it later I don’t have to read through all the fluff again.
Here’s my summary of the 12 chapters in this book.
Chapter 4 is my favorite. A lot of people could stand to read that chapter and think about how much their life is programmed by crap from childhood that they’ve allowed to carry over.
Anyways, here it is:
Chapter 1: No excuses. Ever. Only action. There are people from all circumstances and backgrounds who have become huge success stories.
Chapter 2: Complete self reliance. Control your mindset.
Chapter 3: Be voracious. Never ending in your pursuit of knowledge. Strive for excellence. Books. Seminars. Trade associations. Whatever it is you’re interested in, get involved. Don’t sit on the couch and watch Netflix all day.
Chapter 4: You will be given labels as you grow up. By your parents, your siblings, your teachers, your peers. Some will be positive and helpful, others will be negative. These labels only carry as much weight and truth into your adulthood as you allow them to.
Chapter 5: Think abundance, always. One man approaches the ocean with a teaspoon, another with a tanker truck. Both are there for water. The ocean doesn’t notice any difference yet one man leaves the beach with a whole lot more water than the other. Your real limitations are far outside of your self imposed limitations in regard to the level of success you are capable of achieving.
Chapter 6: Worry helps nothing but can be hugely debilitating. A penny (so small) held close enough to the eye can block the entire sun. Action is the antidote for worry.
Chapter 7: You receive what you continually think about and dwell upon. Your subconscious has no sense of right or wrong. It brings you what you think about most.
Chapter 8: Do not make the mistake of thinking you can do it alone. You can’t. Find and work with other successful people. Both advisors/mentors and those whom you hire. Be wise in the council that you seek but don’t neglect to seek it.
Sales and outsourcing are the two primary objectives. SALES – OUTSOURCING. Ask WHO not HOW. Do not try to be the master of all tasks. In fact, it should be your goal to be the master of as little tasks as possible while still making progress toward your stated goal. Your system should be set up such that others are in charge of all the tasks crucial to your business and income. If you wake up every morning and have to be somewhere or do something, you need to hire someone.
(I SUCK at this, FYI. The business I’ve grown from boy to man within has been a VERY hands on affair. I do waaaaay more within the business than I probably should. BUT, most of the tasks are ones I enjoy to do so this one is major toughy for me.)
Chapter 9: It is your responsibility, and yours ALONE, to be ever increasing in value to the marketplace. Take the time to design and implement a personal development plan.
Chapter 10: You MUST promote yourself and what you do and never ever be ashamed of it.
Chapter 11: Of those who actually take chances (very few) most give up well before they should. And that’s why so few succeed. “No one ever would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.”
Chapter 12: Expect to make mistakes. LOTS of them. And, keep moving forward.
There ya go. If you want to pick up a copy of the book, please do. But this summary is the bulk of what you will take away from it.