What do you want to do when you grow up?

Hey Kiddos,

How many times have you been asked what job you want to do when you grow up?

I’ve heard Mom ask you that question plenty of times.

You guys typically just shrug your shoulders because, like any kid your age, you have no idea. And you shouldn’t have any idea.

You’re babies!

But, I’d like you guys to start thinking a little bit differently every time you hear the question.

We live in the most capitalistic country in the world. We are supposed to blaze our OWN path. We are supposed to figure out something we like to do and determine how to make money doing it.

Having a “job” is almost never something that someone enjoys.

But, this is often presented as our only option. It’s as if it’s something everyone must do once they become an adult.

I disagree, wholeheartedly.

I do think you should get some jobs when you’re younger. Plenty of them, even.

“Jobs” give you tons of experience and insight into working with people and seeing how established businesses operate.

They can be fun too, depending on what you decide to try.

And again, I think you should try lots of them.

Here are a few ideas that come to mind:

  • Golf course gig. Being a cart girl/guy, clean carts, and get them ready for the next patron. This will introduce you to high net worth folks who could likely be your next boss.
  • A gig in the trades (for Jack). Concrete, electrical, plumbing, tile, etc. This one is huge. Pick one of these things and learn all you can over a period of 1-3 years. Get freakin’ AWESOME at it.
  • Server at a restaurant.
  • Work at Tommy’s or Mister Car wash.
  • Assistant at a professional office of some sort. Dentist, doctor, lawyer, chiropractor, etc.
  • Landscaping jobs. Mowing, install, design, etc., for an established company.

That list could go on and on.

The point is, GET multiple jobs. Do them for a minimum of 6 months and do AWESOME work when you’re there.

It should be a painful day for your boss when you quit.

Learn and soak up everything you can about the company and the role you’re in.

But, the real goal, the end goal, is to figure out what you have to do to get out on your own.

Determine what the pain points are for the customers in whatever job you’re doing and constantly be thinking about how you can go out on your own and solve these problems better.

Your real focus shouldn’t be, what job are you going to do but, rather, what business are you going to start where you’re the one providing the jobs.

This focus will not only lead you to the highest possible income but also will provide the most satisfaction and the freedom to set your life up exactly how YOU want it to be.

You do not want to have to answer to a boss or a superior your entire life. This is the way school and, basically, everyone around you is going to program you to think, but just know that there is a much, much better path.

I will attempt to show it to you through these letters I write.

That’s it for today.

Love, Dad

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