I missed Steve Jobs after I finished his biography

Subject: Missing Jobs and lessons learned

About 8 years ago after I finished the last page of Steve Jobs’ biography, there was this hollow spot in my chest – weird missing someone I’ve never crossed paths with. A bit odd, eh? I missed a man I never even knew.

With all his quirks and juggernaut personality, he delivered truths that resonate beyond the grave:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life… and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

That one reverberated through me like a Silicon Valley earthquake.

Sure, he was notoriously a huge DICK to work with. Yet, how did such an abrasive guy construct the colossus known as Apple?

Here’s how: absolute passion. Which is the fuel injected straight into the heart of every dreamer who refuses to tow the line, and who bucks against mediocrity. It’s what keeps us middle-aged renegades—kids, mortgage, and all—tickled by the prospect of shattering norms and achieving unpredictable success.

That’s where I try to draw a semi-parellel between Jobs and myself. By forging a relationship with you through daily emails, it’s the uncommon, the inspirational, the anti-status-quo that quenches my thirst. And I imagine, yours too.

My life’s work—just like yours and Jobs’—is a canvas. KurtBouma.com – a small portion, is the gallery where I paint it all out in words. Of all the things I find interesting, a big one is biographies. The tales of the most intriguing minds, the unraveling of their secrets…  I attempt to extract the most interesting parts and splash them onto your screen through simple, yet thought-provoking daily emails.

So if you’re bored with the ordinary, my emails might just be your ticket to the unusual. Because, let’s face it, like Jobs, we all thirst for that extraordinary drop that will swell into a tide of change.

The daily dose from KurtBouma.com isn’t just another email. It’s an invitation to crack open your world view and take a step closer to remarkable. It’s not about selling you anything (although I might attempt to do that at some point), but about sharing, enlightening, engaging—about stirring that pot until it bubbles over with ideas that transform and inspire.

Cuzif we’re honest, who else is reading, much less distilling down the thoughts from the world’s most successful folks via daily email? I don’t know of any…

Hang tight because tomorrow, I’ve got a tale for you about a rebel named Elon Musk. I’m reading his biography right now too. (while bouncing around between the 15 other books I also have laying around the house, of course.)

Until then, as Steve Jobs would probably tell you, go about loving what you do—or find it swiftly.

Kurt “bringing biographies to life” Bouma