My scattered reading habit

Ever feel like your bookshelf is mocking you? That’s me—I’m the person who can’t seem to finish a book without eyeing another. Two chapters in, and I’m already reaching for a fresh spine to crack.

But here’s the kicker—I always circle back.

Months may pass, but each book eventually gets its ending, much like grasping at threads of different stories that somehow weave together to form one rich tapestry of knowledge.

This haphazard reading ritual of mine hits close to home with what I do at See, every day is like a new chapter—another opportunity to learn something interesting, from a biography detailing a historic innovator’s oddities to an article on disrupting industries we thought were impervious to change.

My emails? Well, they’re bite-sized musings for the intellectually restless souls (like me). They’re for you—the curious minds trapped in the hamster wheel of the everyday, thirsting for an odd kernel of wisdom or a jolt from the mundane.

I share because I believe in lighting sparks in the cranium crevices that school or the 9-5 grind never reach. It’s about the transformation, the daily mental revolution that keeps our middle-aged neurons firing like they’re at a disco in the ’70s.

It’s not just any daily email—this is a conduit to rare insights from the best minds that have walked the earth. Minds that resonate with my own journey from crafting exterior millwork to sculpting thoughts that build mental monuments (I hope that one day, this site’s posts can be considered some sort of monument…)

I bring these vignettes to you, not because there aren’t a gazillion things to read out there—but because there’s a particular pleasure in the curated, the distilled, the narrative bits that challenge you to rethink your world. And they come from ME.

And who knows, maybe one of my emails will be the catalyst for you to finish that book on your nightstand or start that project you’ve been pondering. Maybe it’ll be the thing that propels you to shatter a norm or two on your journey to success.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s tale. Who said midlife had to be boring, right?

Inspiring curiosity,

Kurt Bouma