My son chripped me up with his thought process

So there we are, Jack boy and I, sitting at the kitchen table, practicing his weekly spelling words when BAM, he hits me with a dose of simple brilliance.

“Dad, the word ‘tripped,’ it starts with a ‘ch,’ right?”

At first I thought he was kind of a moron but then I said it out loud to myself a time or two… —it does kind of sound like “chripped” the way most people say it.

In fact, if you really tried to enunciate that “t” the way it would properly be said, you’d sound very feminine. 

Try it.

Funny how a kid’s fresh perspective can illuminate the quirks of the English language, ain’t it?

Our brains are wired to recognize and follow patterns. When someone smashes those patterns, it can feel very enlightening.

And I like the beauty and chaos of when norms are shattered, especially the unassuming ones.

And really, that’s what life’s about—waking up from the lull of the expected to embrace the jolt of the extraordinary.

It’s kind of like the daily insights I wrangle from the lives of oddballs and outliers, which I funnel directly to your inbox from

Nuttin I share with you is run-of-the-mill facts, recycled quotes, or stories you’ve heard again and again.

No sir. I share stuff fresh and new about the world’s most one-of-a-kind thinkers—the kind of people who would argue “tripped” starts with a “ch.”

But why should you care, you ask? Why are any of you on my list?

Because, boys and girls, much like my son Jack’s eccentric pronunciation, I share stories, insights, and perspectives that CHrip you up in the best way possible—nudging you out of the daily humdrum and catapulting you into mind-expansion.

With every email I send, consider it a breath of fresh air for the day. It may be dull, boring and ho-hum in your office but my goal is that each email spices things up a bit, if only for the 3 minutes it takes to read my email.

My goal is to make each day a bit less “bored with life” and a lot more intrigued by what’s happening just outside your daily existence.

If my son can reshape language, imagine what reshaping your perspective could do…

So, thanks for being on this list. Not just for the sake of getting another email everyday, but for the pursuit of a refreshed worldview—one daily email at a time.

You won’t find another daily dispatch like mine. I promise you that.

Dare to chripp on the unusual with me. It’s the kind of trip that doesn’t start with a stumble, but maybe, just maybe, with a “ch.”


Kurt Bouma