Sweeping away the skeptics

There’s something magical about a good skeptic, don’t you think?

They cross their arms, furrow their brows, and with a healthy dose of doubt, they challenge you to impress them. And that’s exactly what happened with one local chimney-sweeping customer of mine; they were the poster child for skepticism.

Picture soot-colored skepticism all over their eyebrows—a grime of disbelief and resignation towards your typical “buy now” emails. They did not believe that “their customers” would respond well to ANY type of email.

Hesitantly, they started sending personality-driven emails, the emails that I crafted carefully to match their business’s tone and, well, their charm.

Within just two weeks, the predictable (to me) happened.

Amidst the smog of sales pitches cluttering their customers’ inboxes, my emails shone like the gleam on a freshly polished hearth. Their customers started replying back…

They weren’t just opening emails; they were engaging, laughing, and actually looking forward to the next one! One customer said their emails were “a breath of fresh air.”

How bout them apples!

Now, the thing about chimney sweeping—or any business really—is that it can get pretty mundane pretty fast.

I mean, how many quirky stories about soot can one tell? But that’s precisely where the magic lies. It’s not just about selling a cleaning service; it’s about telling tales that resonate, that remind customers your business isn’t just a faceless entity—it’s a friendly local company with stories to share.

That’s the transformation I have to offer you, through the mighty power of personality-driven emails.

Imagine turning your email list from a dull, drab, drudgery of ignored messages into a coveted collection of must-read missives. You might think it’s just a daydream, but this chimney sweeping company’s tale is the proof in the pudding—or the proof in the chimney, in this case.

What makes my approach unique, you ask? I don’t write emails; I write experiences (from your perspective) which drip with personality (YOUR personality).

While others are busy pushing products and sales in the faces of their customers, my emails are cozying up to them, making them smile, and yes, leading them right back to your business.

It’s not just about selling—it’s about making a connection that could last longer than any soot stain.

So, if you’re ready to have your customers cling to your every word like vines to an old brick chimney, let’s chat.

It’s high time we put the personality back into your emails and turn that list of yours into a fervent fan club eager to open their wallets.

Talk soon,
Kurt “turning skeptics into believers” Bouma