Don’t send an email nap time

Ever been on a date where the conversation was as flat as a pancake on a diner plate?

You sit there, fake-smiling, nodding along while dreaming of your escape.

Now, picture that pancake-like chatter invading your inbox—sales emails that could bore the stripes off a zebra.

That’s how your customers feel when another ‘HOT DEAL’ or ‘SAVE NOW’ email lands in their inbox.

Yawn, right?

The truth is, your emails might be the digital equivalent of watching paint dry, and that’s a lonely place for a business.

Think about the best dates, the ones that stick in your mind. They’re never the ones where someone talked at you in monotone.

No sirree, they’re the ones where stories swirled around, laughter bounced off the walls, and the personality shone as bright as a diner’s neon sign.

So here’s an idea I want to serve you: emails should be a two-way street, an exchange that feels personal, like a good ol’ chinwag with your best friend.

Imagine emails that share tales, poke fun at the daily grind, and actually sound like they come from a real HUMAN.

Emails without the flashy graphics and the buy now buttons. Emails that simply give a real life update on what’s happening without asking you to hand over cash.

These are the emails that bond your readers to you and your story.

Problem is, they can sometime be tough to write.

Especially if you don’t think of yourself as a “writer”.

And that, my friends, is where I come swinging in like Tarzan.

I’ve turned the email game on its head. After giving my own emails a personality transplant and seeing the flood of responses, inquiries, and orders, I knew I had to share this system with fellow biz owners.

My offer around here is simple: Personality-Driven Emails for Small Business Owners.

They’re like a friendly nudge, a lively chat over the counter, making your customers feel right at home and ready to stick around.

By injecting your emails with YOUR unique voice, suddenly, your messages become the bright spot in a dreary inbox. It’s about transforming your emails into something as eagerly anticipated as your favorite TV show.

If you’re ready to charm the socks off your customers and turn that dull inbox date into a lively dance, hit reply this email.

Like a trusty email wingman, I’m here to help you woo your audience, one click at a time.

Let’s banish the inbox boredom together. Your customers—and your bottom line—will thank you for it.

Kurt “small biz email guy” Bouma

P.S. – I try to anticipate what a reader (you) might be thinking at any point in an email. So right now, I am imagining the skeptical small business owner thinking that a daily email has no place in his business. His business is “different”. His customers don’t want to hear from him that often.

So, in tomorrow’s email, I am going to give a preview of how my system works. Be on the look out.