Silence on an otherwise busy street

I woke up this morning and said to my wife,

It doesn’t feel any different…

She stared blankly back at me.

I said,

Being a local celebrity…

She just shook her head…

My wife had to work yesterday, which meant it was my day to babysit (my wife HATES when I use the term babysit about our own kids) my 5-year-old daughter.

I usually bring her to preschool at 9am, go into the office for a couple hours, then pick her back up again at 11:30, grab lunch somewhere, and then bring her back to the office with me until either my wife gets out early or my oldest daughter gets home from school and can take her off my hands.

It’s a lot of to and fro.

Today was no different. Except that there was going to be a procession out of Gerald R. Ford Airport (right by my office) for a fallen US Marine, Capt. Miguel Nava of Traverse City.

Miguel Nava
Miguel Nava

It’s always pretty neat to see how much respect is given in situations like this. So, I thought it might be good for my daughter to witness. Even though she is still too young to actually understand.

We grabbed some Arby’s (gross) because it was close and we parked on the side of Patterson Ave near 28th St.

I no sooner took the first bite of my cholesterol filled roast beef sandwich and dripped Arby’s sauce all over myself  when a local news vehicle pulled up right next to my truck.

The news lady got out, rather quickly (I thought I was in trouble), and came to my window.

Did you know Captain Nava?,

She asked.

I told her no.

Then she asked, would you mind answering a few of my questions?

She never even said it would be on camera, but I assumed so.

I told her yes and she set up shop.

The interview was nothing noteworthy, by any means, but it was fun for my daughter to tell her mom and siblings that she was on the news that evening!

It was also a good experience for her to see how silent an otherwise loud and busy street can get in order to pay a few minutes of respect to a fella who makes it possible for us to live the great lives we lead.

And that’s the thing with STORIES… You never know how or when they’re going to happen but they happen all the time. And too often, they happen to business owners who completely WASTE them.

Do you see how I am using this one here to communicate with you?

Your customers care and would love to hear your stories.

They would much rather hear a personal story of something that happened in your life than receive an email sales pitch with a $2 off coupon code!

Every day SOMETHING happens that you could send to me in a one or two-sentence email that I could then turn into a 300-400 word email that sends to your list and bonds them with you.

The process is quite simple.

But, man, can it cause a stir amongst your list…

So, if you’re ready to see what that could look like for your business, reply to this email and let me know. My approach works for EVERY type of business.

Kurt Bouma – fast food eating local news guy