The little things

Hey kids,

Here’s a picture I saw this morning that got me.

Doer – Dreamer

What do you see there?

Here’s what I see; I think that when both of those figures were still on the ground there’s a good chance the fella on the right was a big talker.

I bet that maybe he had big dreams but no discipline.

He knew where he wanted to get but had no plan of how exactly he was going to get there.

Instead of focusing on the here and now, he was too focused too far ahead. Not enough focus on the present.

This could be confusing because focusing on the future and where you are 10, 20, 30 years from now IS definitely important.

You just don’t want to get stuck there.

I think that once every other month or so you should sit down, assess, and decide, did I make progress towards that 10, 20, 30 year goal in the last month or so? Did I not make progress? Did I regress?

Use that little session to inform your here and now. It really shouldn’t take any more than an hour I would think.

Then, when it’s done, back to the right side ladder.

You’ve mapped out where you want to get and the most likely path for getting there. Now it’s time for those small, meaningless feeling steps.

After one or two you don’t feel a whole lot further along than that guy on the other ladder.

But, just don’t look at him. Before you know it, you won’t feel like you’ve even worked that hard and you’ll look over and DOWN at him.

Goals and dreams are required, just don’t get stuck staring at your vision board and forget to get out in the world and make it a reality.

Love, Dad

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